
[매일 영자신문 읽기] 데일리브리핑 - 231222

방랑청년 2023. 12. 22.

매일 영자신문 읽기



코리아헤럴드 데일리브리핑 - 231222



Justice minister becomes interim leader of ruling party

Accepting party's call, Han says he wants to help socially vulnerable, improve livelihoods of Koreans

법무부장관이 여당의 임시 대표가 되다

한 법무부장관은 당의 요청에 수락하며 사회취약층을 돕고 민생을 개선하는 것을 원한다고 말했다


*ruling party : 여당

*socially vulnerable : 사회취약층


Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon on Thursday stepped down to take on the role of interim leader of the ruling party, heeding the growing calls to steer the party through next year's general election.

법무부장관 한동훈은 지난 목요일 여당의 임시대표직 수락을 위해 장관직에서 물러나며, 내년 총선을 통해 당을 이끌어 달라는 요청에 응답했다.


*heeding the growing call : 증가하는 요구에 대응하다


President Yoon Suk Yeol officially accepted Han's offer to resign from his current post, hours after he had expressed his intention to step down earlier in the day.

윤석열 대통령은 이날 오전 사임 의사를 밝힌 후 몇 시간 만에 공식적으로 한 법무부장관의 요청을 승인했다. 




Justice minister becomes interim leader of ruling party

Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon on Thursday stepped down to take on the role of interim leader of the ruling party, heeding the growing calls to steer the party through next year's general election. President Yoon Suk Yeol officially accepted Han's offer to




Capital gains tax rules eased for stock investors

주식투자자를 위한 양도소득세 규정 완화


The South Korean government will raise the threshold for major shareholders' capital gains tax to those holding 5 billion won ($3.83 million) worth of stocks from the current 1 billion won, the Finance Ministry announced Thursday.

지난 목요일 한국 정부는 주요 투자자의 양도소득세 규정을 10억원에서 50억원으로 상향한다고 밝혔다.  


The Ministry of Finance will revise the capital gains tax regulation in the Enforcement Decree of the Income Tax Act. As it falls under an enforcement ordinance, the government does not have to earn approval from the National Assembly.

재무부는 소득세법의 양도소득세 규정을 개정할 예정으로, 이는 시행령에 해당하므로 국회의 승인을 받지 않아도 된다.


*national assembly : 국회




Capital gains tax rules eased for stock investors

The South Korean government will raise the threshold for major shareholders' capital gains tax to those holding 5 billion won ($3.83 million) worth of stocks from the current 1 billion won, the Finance Ministry announced Thursday. The Ministry of Finance w




Freezing temperatures engulf S. Korea

Seoul’s wind chill drops to minus 22 C, freezing temperatures to continue until Saturday morning

혹한의 날씨가 한국을 집어삼키다

서울의 체감온도는 영하 22도 까지 떨어졌고, 혹한의 온도는 토요일 아침 까지 지속 될 것입니다


*freezing temperatures engulf : 혹한의 기온이 집어삼키다

*wind chill : 체감온도


Thursday’s temperatures were recorded to be the lowest so far this year, with morning lows reaching as low as minus 19 degrees Celsius and daytime highs expected to range between minus 10 C and 2 C.

목요일의 기온은 아침 영하 19도에서 낮 영하 10~2도로 올해들어 가장 낮은 온도를 기록했다.


However, with winds traveling as fast as 55 kilometers per hour nationwide, the Korea Meteorological Administration stated that it would feel a lot colder than the actual temperature. In Seoul, morning low temperatures were minus 15 C, with high temperatures of minus 7 C and a wind chill of minus 22 C.

그러나, 찬바람이 시간당 55킬로미터로 빠르게 지나가고 있어, 기상청은 실제 온도보다 더 춥게 느껴질 것이라고 말한다. 서울의 경우, 아침 최저 기온은 영하 15도이며, 최대 영하 7도에서 체감기온은 영하 22도를 나타냈다.




Freezing temperatures engulf S. Korea

Thursday’s temperatures were recorded to be the lowest so far this year, with morning lows reaching as low as minus 19 degrees Celsius and daytime highs expected to range between minus 10 C and 2 C. However, with winds traveling as fast as 55 kilometers





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